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The name and address information sent to the credit repositories is gathered from CIS when the FINAL Credit Bureau Report (FPSRP293) is run.  Whatever is on file at that time is what will be sent. Name and address information is not as of month end. The CIS Correspondence Address for the individual is used if available, otherwise the CIS account Mailing Label is sent.


You can view the names connected to an account from the Loans > Account Information > Names & Addresses. You can see the relationship each borrower has with the account (e.g., owner, co-owner, administrator, agent, etc.).


You can view or file maintain the names on an account from the Entity Maintenance screen in CIS by searching for an account number. Or you can view names associated with accounts from the CIS > Change Name and Address > Account Names and Mailing Labels screen. You can also see the relationship each borrower has with the account (e.g., owner, co-owner, administrator, agent, etc.).


The Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) requires that a borrower’s relationship to an account be disclosed for the purposes of establishing equal credit for all involved. FPS GOLD will only report the below list of acceptable Ownership Codes regardless of the ECOA Code.


Hint: To change the ECOA code or the CIID (Consumer Information Indicator) code, use the loan Name & Addresses screen, Lending Limit tab.

1.In the list view at the top of the screen, select the borrower, then left-click in the ECOA code or CIID code.

2.Left-click a second time (do not rapidly click twice). A drop-down arrow will appear.

3.Click on the arrow, and a list box will appear displaying the available codes.

4.Select the applicable code, then click <Save Changes>.


Loans > Account Information > Names and Addresses Screen, Lending Limit Tab

Loans > Account Information > Names and Addresses Screen, Lending Limit Tab



Hint: You can also view or change the ownerships code, ECOA code, or CIID (bankruptcy) code in CIS using the Change Names and Addresses screen.



CIS > Change Names and Addresses > Account Names and Mailing Labels Screen


Below are the only Ownership Codes that are reported (all others will be ignored regardless of the ECOA Code):  



  1 - Owner

  2 - Co-Owner

  4 - Co-Signer

84 - Guarantor

109 - Co-Maker




  1 - Owner

  2 - Co-Owner

  4 - Co-Signer

84 - Guarantor




  1 - Owner

  2 - Co-Owner

  4 - Co-Signer

84 - Guarantor

90 - Maker

94 - General Partner

95 - Limited Partner

97 - Non-Managing Member/Guarantor

101 - Trustee/Guarantor

102 - Managing Member/Guarantor

104 - Corporation Guarantor

109 - Co-Maker

110 - Partner

190 - Joint Tenant

202 - Auth Signer/Beneficial Party

203 - Auth Signer/Control Party

204 - ManMember/Ben Party

205 - Guarantor/BP/CP

206 - Guarantor/Beneficial Party

208 - Owner/Beneficial Party

209 - Owner/BP/CP

210 - AuthSign/BP/CP

211 - Non-Managing Member/BP

213 - Managing Member/Control Party

214 - Co-Owner/Beneficial Party

215 - Co-Owner/BP/CP

216 - ManMem/BP/CP

217 - Sole Mem/BP/CP



Businesses should have an ownership code of corporation, partnership, or LLC (see "W" in the ECOA Codes description below).


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