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Credit Bureau Status (Account Status)

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Credit Bureau Status (Account Status)

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The credit bureau (CB) Account Status of the loan is determined from the Credit Bureau Status field (LNCLBS) on the Loans > Account Information > Fees & Late Charges & Penalties screen, Late Fees tab. The system first looks at the FPS GOLD loan status (open, closed, released), then at the number of days the loan is past due, if any.

If the account is not past due and has none of the below hold codes, it is reported with a status of 11 (Account Current).

If the account was closed this month, was not past due, and has none of the below hold codes, the account is reported with a status 13 (Paid or closed account/zero balance).

Line-of-credit loans (payment method 5, 9 or 10) that are "open with a zero balance“ are reported as code 11 (Account Current).  If "closed" will be reported as code 13 (Paid or closed account/zero balance).  

If the FPS Loan Account Status is Released, the Account Status will be a code 5 (transferred to another lender).


Proper use of Hold Codes is needed to report the appropriate status for a loan and to ensure that the Date of First Occurrence (Action Code 94) is accurate. Hold codes are entered in the two hold code fields in the Holds & Special Instructions field group on the Letters & Actions screen. It is important to put the most critical hold code in the first Hold Code field because the system stops checking for hold codes when the first hold code is found.

Hold codes are entered in the two hold code fields in the Holds & Special Instructions field group on the Letters & Actions screen. It is important to put the most critical hold code in the first Hold Code field because the system stops checking for hold codes when the first hold code is found.

Listed below is a complete list of CB Account Status codes used by FPS GOLD. The hold code used to adjust the CB Account Status on an account is shown in the last column.

CB Status Code

Status Code Description

Hold Code

Credit Bureau Payment Rating

FPS GOLD Action Code


Account transferred to another office.





Account Current





Paid or closed account/zero balance. The account has a zero balance and is not available for use by the customer.



94/194 – Date of First Delinquency


Account paid in full was a voluntary surrender.

97 – Paid account; voluntary surrender)


94/194 – Date of First Delinquency


Account paid in full was a collection account, government, or PMI claim.

96 - Paid account; collection


94/194 – Date of First Delinquency


Account paid in full was a repossession.

98 - Paid account; repossession


94/194 – Date of First Delinquency


Account paid in full was a charge-off.

95 - Paid account; was a charge-off


94/194 – Date of First Delinquency


Account paid in full. A foreclosure was started.

94 - Paid account; foreclosure started


94/194 – Date of First Delinquency


Account 30 days past the due date.



94/194 – Date of First Delinquency


Account 60 days past the due date.



94/194 – Date of First Delinquency


Account 90 days past the due date.



94/194 – Date of First Delinquency


Account 120 days past the due date.



94/194 – Date of First Delinquency


Account 150 days past the due date.



94/194 – Date of First Delinquency


Account 180 days or more past the due date.



94/194 – Date of First Delinquency


Claim filed with government for insured portion of balance on a defaulted loan.



94/194 – Date of First Delinquency


Deed received in lieu of foreclosure on a defaulted mortgage.

6 - Deed in lieu of foreclosure


94/194 – Date of First Delinquency


Account seriously past due and/or assigned to internal or external collections.

91 - Collection account


94/194 – Date of First Delinquency


Foreclosure completed; there may be a balance due.

1 - Foreclosure completed


94/194 – Date of First Delinquency


Voluntary surrender; may have balance due.

92 - Voluntary surrender


94/194 – Date of First Delinquency


Merchandise was repossessed by credit grantor; there may be a balance due.

93 - Repossession by grantor


94/194 – Date of First Delinquency


Unpaid balance reported as a loss by credit grantor (charge-off).

2 - Charge-off; unpaid balance reported as loss by credit grantor


94/194 – Date of First Delinquency


Delete entire account (other than fraud).

WARNING: This should only be used if actual reporting errors occurred on the account. This is only reported one month.





Delete entire account due to confirmed fraud.


WARNING: This should only be used if actual reporting errors occurred on the account. This should only reported one month.





Note:  Accounts reported once with Status Code DA or DF will stop reporting to credit repositories. FPS GOLD will turn off the Report to Credit Bureau option automatically after being reported for one cycle. The Report to Credit Bureau option is located on Loans > Fees & Late Charges & Penalties, Late Fees tab.


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