Navigation: General Reporting Information >
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac require that their loan numbers be supplied to the various credit repositories. In order to accomplish this, you must set up the following information accordingly:
1. | The Investor Identifier field (IMIDE) on the Loans > Investor Reporting > Investor Master screen must be either FNMA or FHLMC. (This is generally done at the time your institution first begins to sell loans to FHLMC/FNMA.) |
02 - Fannie Mae (FNMA)
03 - Freddie Mac (FHLMC)
2. | The Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac investor account numbers must be entered on the Loans > Investor Reporting > Loan Investor Fields screen, Investor Loan Basics tab. This information is entered in the Investor Account Number field (LNIACT). (This is generally done at the time the loan was sold.) |
Fannie Mae account numbers - 10 digits
Freddie Mac account numbers - 9 digits