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Report Type Options

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Report Type Options

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The Report Type choices are explained in the table below.



This report is used for banks that use either teller or branch capture. It shows all the X937 items we received for your bank. This includes deposit slips, withdrawal slips, and loan coupons if you include them in your scans. A date range can be used on this search in addition to all the other search parameters on the screen.

Teller Capture All Items

This is a teller capture search only and is used to view all the items that were scanned on a specific date. No other search criteria are available for this selection. The original search will be shown in teller number order, scan ID, and in the order the tickets were scanned. In addition, there will be a color grid indicating the start and end of each transaction.


If you sort any of the columns, the color will stay with the line item and will not be with each piece of the transaction. To go back to view the full transaction, click <Search> again.

Teller Capture All Checks

This is a teller capture search only and is used to view all the check items that were scanned on a specific day. No other search criteria are available for this selection. This search includes both on-us and transit checks but does not include cashed on-us checks. The total for this selection is shown in the list view at the bottom of the screen.

Teller Capture On-Us Items

This is a teller capture search only and is used to view all the on-us checks for a specific day. This does not include on-us checks cashed. No other search criteria are available for this selection. The total for this selection is shown in the list view at the bottom of the screen.

Teller Capture Transit Items

This is a teller capture search only and is used to view all the transit checks for a specific day. No other search criteria are available for this selection. The total for this selection is shown in the list view at the bottom of the screen.

Teller Capture All Checks Totals Only

This is a teller capture search only and is used to view all the teller capture check totals for a specific day. No other search criteria are available for this selection. The totals shown on the screen are for on-us and transit items. This selection can be used to balance your check totals for the day.


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