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Source Fields

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Source Fields

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The Source fields to the right of the search criteria fields at the top of the screen are explained in the table below. At least one Source file type must be selected to search. You can easily use Select All to search all Source types or Deselect All to select one or multiple Source types.

ATM Capture

These are images for check items that have been scanned at your ATMs. FPS GOLD must receive these files for them to be viewable on this screen.

Branch Capture

These are images for items you have sent to FPS GOLD from your Branch Capture file(s) when Teller Capture is not used. Typically, you will only have Branch Capture items or Teller Capture items, but not both. FPS GOLD must receive these files for them to be viewable on this screen.


These are the images of your Inclearing items  that are sent from your correspondent bank or the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) to FPS GOLD for processing. FPS GOLD must receive these files for them to be viewable on this screen.

Merchant Capture

These are images of your clients’ Merchant Capture files. FPS GOLD must receive these files for them to be viewable on this screen.

Mobile Deposit

These are the images of your Mobile Deposit items. FPS GOLD must receive these files for them to be viewable on this screen.

Teller Capture

These are images for the Teller Capture items your tellers have processed using Teller Capture. Typically, you will only have Teller Capture items or Branch Capture items, but not both. FPS GOLD must receive these files for them to be viewable on this screen.


These are images for the items that do not fall into the categories above. However, when items are not defined as one of the other source types they will not be viewable on this screen.


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