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Virtual Signature in Teller Capture

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Virtual Signature in Teller Capture

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Teller Capture incorporates the ability to use a Topaz Signature Pad device to capture your customers’ signatures when Cash Out, Check Out, or Journal Out fields are populated on transactions. Using this option allows your organization to be paperless on transactions that would typically require a slip to be scanned with a customer signature.


Required Components


Before Virtual Signatures can be captured, your organization must:  

Be using Teller Capture.

Have the July 2024 version of CIM GOLD or newer loaded on PCs that will be using a signature pad.

Have an FPS GOLD-approved Topaz Signature Pad connected to the teller machines that will be capturing signatures on Teller Capture transactions. 

Mark the User Preferences option Use Signature Pad, as shown below.


Options Menu > User Preferences > General Tab

Options Menu > User Preferences > General Tab


Supported Topaz Signature Pads that can be used with Teller Capture:

T-LBK766SE-BHSB-R, SignatureGem LCD 4X5 – Model Number 58

T-L460-HSB-R, SigLite 1X5 – Model Number 15


Transaction Flow with Virtual Signature


The following example is a Withdrawal transaction (1130/0/0) with Cash Out.

1.The Withdrawal transaction 1130/0/0 is selected from the transaction menu.

2.Fill in the transaction fields as applicable.

3.<Send> the transaction.
Note: When running a transaction with Check In items, you must Scan Items (Alt+I) after the transaction is selected. See Processing Transactions in the CIM GOLD Teller Capture User’s Guide for full transaction scanning instructions.


CIM GOLDTeller – Withdrawal Transaction (1130/0/0) Selected

CIM GOLDTeller – Withdrawal Transaction (1130/0/0) Selected


4.Upon sending the transaction, the Virtual Signature dialog will be displayed for your teller, and your customer will see the following message on the Topaz Signature Pad.

CIM GOLDTeller – Virtual Signature Dialog – Teller View

CIM GOLDTeller – Virtual Signature Dialog – Teller View

Topaz Signature Pad –  Customer View

Topaz Signature Pad –  Customer View


 Note: The teller can see the signature in real time as the customer signs.


CIM GOLDTeller – Virtual Signature Dialog - Teller view with Signature

CIM GOLDTeller – Virtual Signature Dialog - Teller view with Signature


5.When the customer signs and clicks <Accept> on the signature pad, the transaction will be sent. 


Virtual Signature Buttons



When clicked, the signature will be cleared from the pad and the Virtual Signature Due. <Clear> can be clicked by the teller or the customer. 



When clicked, the transaction will be sent, and the signature will show on all virtual tickets accompanying the transaction. <Accept> can be clicked by the teller or the customer.



When clicked, the transaction will be sent, and “Signature Cancelled By Teller” will be displayed on all virtual tickets accompanying the transaction. <Cancel> can only be clicked by the teller.


Viewing Virtual Tickets with Signature from the Journal Log


To view scanned images from the Journal Log:


1.Open the Journal File in GOLDTeller (Functions > Journal Forwarding (Ctrl + J)).

2.Right-click on the transaction.


The right-click menu opens, as shown below.


CIM GOLDTeller > Functions > Journal Forwarding (Ctrl + J)

CIM GOLDTeller > Functions > Journal Forwarding (Ctrl + J)



3.Select “Show Scanned Items.”

4.View the scanned items for the transaction.


Teller Capture Item Summary – Virtual Withdrawal Slip with Virtual Signature

Teller Capture Item Summary – Virtual Withdrawal Slip with Virtual Signature


Teller Capture Item Summary – Virtual Withdrawal Slip with Virtual Signature

Teller Capture Item Summary – Virtual Withdrawal Slip with Virtual Signature



Teller Capture Item Summary – Virtual Withdrawal Slip with Signature Cancelled By Teller

Teller Capture Item Summary – Virtual Withdrawal Slip with Signature Cancelled By Teller




The following transactions are exceptions, and no signature will be prompted when they are processed.

Tran Code/Mod


1400 / 01

CCN - Check cash - no hold

1400 / 02

CCO - Cash check - on-us

1400 / 03

CCH - Cash check - hold

1400 / 04

OTC - Over-the-counter - on-us

1400 / 05

OTF - Over-the-counter - F/M

1400 / 06

CDT - Over-the counter Hold on CDT - F/M


ECK - Exchange checks

1430 / 01

AEC - Account exchange checks

1430 / 02

ECF - Exchange checks - F/M

1430 / 03

ECK - Exchange checks / 2


BND - Bond cashing


TOR - Teller over


FTO - Teller over foreign cash


TSH - Teller short


FTS - Teller short foreign cash


VCD - Vault cash debit (reduce vault cash)


VTF - Vault to foreign teller


VCC - Vault cash credit (increase vault cash)


VFF - Vault from foreign teller


TCD - Teller cash debit (reduce teller cash)


FCD -Foreign teller cash debit


TCC - Teller cash credit (increase teller cash)


FCC - Foreign teller cash credit


BOC - Batch out checks


CTB - Cash/Check to bank


VCT - Vault cash to bank


VFB - Vault cash from bank

1570 / 01

VCC - Vault cash


VTB - Vault cash to branch


VFB - Vault cash from branch


GLD - General Ledger debit

1800 / 01

GLO - General Ledger debit

1800 / 02

EOD - Exception Offset Debit

1800 / 83

CGL - Journal G/L transfer (G/L debit and G/L credit)


GLC - General Ledger credit


Rejected Paid - Automatic Journal Out


Rejected Paid - Automatic Journal In

Topaz Signature Pads and Drivers


Below are the Topaz Signature Pad devices and driver information that FPS GOLD has programmed to work with the Teller Capture Virtual Signature.


T-LBK766SE-BHSB-R, SignatureGem LCD 4X5 – Model Number 58 and corresponding driver:




T-L460-HSB-R, SigLite 1X5 – Model Number 15 and corresponding driver:




Driver Install Information


The following links and information will assist your IT department in the installation of the Topaz Signature Pads.


SDK Guide:

User guide:

Link to driver:

1.Select corresponding signature pad model (see image below).




2.Follow the required steps below to Download SigPlus driver(s).

 Note: Only one driver type should be installed on each PC at a time.


3.Select the corresponding signature pad model and click <Next> to move through the installation process.


 Note: Uncheck the DemoOCX option to avoid a demo program being installed.

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