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Definitions of all Functions in Report Wizard Step 6

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Definitions of all Functions in Report Wizard Step 6

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Step 6 of the Report Wizard offers several functions to be used in creating calculations. For your convenience, the complete definitions of all the available functions are listed below.


AVERAGE( Column)

Gives the average of the values in the given column. The average is calculated by dividing the sum of all items in the column by the number of items in the column.


For a subtotal segment, it gives the average of the items in the segment. For final report totals, it gives the average for all items in the column.



Returns the number of detail rows in a subtotal segment for subtotals and the number of all detail rows for the report final totals.



Gives the group percentage of the grand total for the given column.


MAXIMUM( Column)

Gives the maximum value of the values in the given column. For a subtotal segment, it gives the maximum of the items in the segment. For final totals, it gives the maximum of all items in the column.


MINIMUM( Column)

Gives the minimum value of the values in the given column. For a subtotal segment, it gives the minimum of the items in the segment. For final totals, it gives the minimum of all items in the column.


TOTAL( Column)

Gives the total of the values in the given column. For a subtotal segment, it gives the total of the items in the segment. For final totals, it gives the total of all items in the column.


WARM( MaturityDateColumn, BalanceColumn)

Gives the weighted average number of remaining months to maturity weighted by the balance of the account. For subtotals, it returns the value for those rows in the subtotal group. For final totals, it returns the value for all rows.


To calculate the WARM, the function calculates the number of months from the report run date to the maturity date. It then multiplies this number of months by the balance to create a factor. The sum of all the factors divided by the sum of all the account balances gives the WARM value. Mathematically, the formula looks like


_bm31( Remaining Months * Balance)


_bm32( Balance)


WTDRT( RateColumn, BalanceColumn)

Gives the weighted average rate weighted by the balance of the account. For subtotals, it returns the value for those rows in the subtotal group. For final totals, it returns the value for all rows.


To calculate the WTDRT, the function multiplies the rate by the balance to create a factor. The sum of all the factors divided by the sum of all the account balances gives the WTDRT value. Mathematically, the formula looks like


_bm33( Rate * Balance)


_bm34( Balance)


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