Navigation:  Account Delinquency screen > Delinquent Payments tab > Common Loan Information Field Group >


Navigation:  Account Delinquency screen > Delinquent Payments tab > Common Loan Information Field Group >


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Entry: System, date

F/M: No

Mnemonic: LNDUDT

Screen: Multiple

Field Group: Common Loan Information


This is the date in MMDDYYYY format that the next regular payment is due. It is determined by the system from the Payment Frequency code, but can be file maintained by the user.  This field can be used in conjuction with the Due Date Day field on the Account Detail screen, Payment Detail tab. The system requires a due date to be on the loan before the loan can be opened.


Note: If the due date is in the past and the account is open, the date will appear in red.


File maintaining the Due Date field will change the Due Date Day field to match the day portion of the due date.


For an LIP loan, this is the date to which the payments have been received.  If interest is charged against the LIP, the due date and the LIP Next Bill or Charge Date should always agree. If the LIP interest is billed, the LIP Next Bill or Charge Date will roll when the interest is billed and the due date will roll when the payment is collected.


For line-of-credit loans (Payment Method 5, 9, 10, or 11) with a zero balance, a balance increase transaction will update the loan due date by adding the number of days before the finance charge date to the current run date.


An online error message will appear when file maintenance occurs on this field. If the interest calculation code is a 1, 2, or 3, the system will not allow the due date to be anything except one payment frequency ahead of the date last accrued. For LIP loans with an interest calculation code of 1, 2, or 3 and an LIP method code of 2 or 102 the error message will also appear.  The error message will be "NO F/M - DATE LAST ACCRUED NOT 1 FREQ BEHIND DUE DATE."


If institution option OP08 DD27 is set, the due date day will not be allowed to be greater than 27.


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