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Loan Information tab

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Loan Information tab

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The Loan Information tab on the Account Delinquency screen displays basic loan information concerning the displayed account. You cannot make changes to fields from this tab. Information for these fields is pulled from other places in CIM GOLD.


See the following example of this tab, followed by descriptions for each of the fields:


Loans > Collections > Account Delinquency Screen > Loan Information Tab

Loans > Collections > Account Delinquency Screen > Loan Information Tab


Common Loan Information


This field group displays common loan information, and is also displayed on the Delinquent Payments tab of the Loans > Collections > Account Delinquency screen. See the Common Loan Information field group topic.


Additional Loan Information


This field group displays additional loan information, such as any bankruptcy proceedings, interest rate, payment information, and more. See the Additional Loan Information topic for more information.


Alternate Phone, Mailing Label Name & Address, Times Late


The Alternate Phone, Mailing Label Name & Address, and Times Late field groups show personal information for this loan account borrower, as well as how many times they have been late making their payment. See the following example of these fields, followed by descriptions:






Alternate Phone



This field is available for the collector to enter an additional phone number if needed. Here you can enter phone numbers that customers may give as alternate phone numbers where they can be reached, such as a car phone, relative’s number, etc.


Entering information in this field does not feed back to CIS.

Mailing Label Name & Address field group

This field group displays the name and address information that is set up for this account’s mailing label. Up to six lines are displayed.


If there is a mail restriction such as "Do Not Mail," it will be displayed. Restrictions are set up on the CIS > Entity Maintenance - Mailing Label screen for the account.


You can copy and paste the mailing information by completing the following steps:


1. Click the <Copy to Clipboard> button.
2. Access the program where you want to paste the mailing information; for example, a word-processing document.
3. Right-click, then select "Paste."

Times Late


Mnemonics: LNLT10, LNLT30, LNLT60, LNLT90

These fields store the number of times, over the life of the loan, a payment was paid in that range of days past the due date. The ranges are 10-29, 30-59, 60-89, and 90 or over. Although these fields are file maintainable, the system automatically updates these fields as follows:


1. When a late charge is assessed (tran code 560), the number of days delinquent is calculated by subtracting the loan due date from the assessment date. If the days delinquent is less than 10, nothing is updated. If the days delinquent is between 10-29, the 10-29 days field is increased by 1. If the days delinquent is between 30-59, the 30-59 days field is increased by 1. This process continues through the 90+ days delinquent.


2. The second method of updating fields is a 3-step process:


Step 1When a payment is posted (tran code 600 or 690), the number of days delinquent is calculated by subtracting the loan due date from the payment posted date (Result A). Result A identifies if the payment was paid 10-29, 30-59, etc. days late.


Step 2The date the last late charge assessment occurred is subtracted from the loan due date (Result B). Result B identifies if the late charge assessment was 10-29, 30-59, etc. days past the loan due date. Note: The date of last late charge assessment is displayed below.


Step 3Result A is compared to Result B. If the number of days delinquent are the same, nothing is updated. If the number of days are not the same, the number of days delinquent determined in Result A (payment posted date) is used and the corresponding days late field is increased by 1. The number of days delinquent determined in Result B (date of late charge assessment) is then used and 1 is subtracted from the corresponding days late field.


Example: The loan due date is 10-01 with 15 grace days. The night of 10-16, a late charge is assessed and the 10-29 days delinquent field is increased by 1. On 11-14 a payment is posted. The 30-59 days delinquent field is increased by 1 and the 10-29 days delinquent field is reduced by 1.


Note: The reason the late charge assessment is used to update these fields is to have the loan record reflect the correct number of delinquencies in the event that the borrower does not make any payments for several months. (If the loan is delinquent for 3 months, with no payment being paid, these fields will show three fewer times the loan was delinquent if the assessments weren't used.)


Special Notes


If a late charge is assessed for a zero amount (grace days are set up but there is no late charge rate or code), the days late field will still be updated. If the Grace Days field on the Loans > Account Information > Fees & Late Charges & Penalties screen > Late Fees tab is blank, no late charges will automatically be assessed; therefore, the days late field will not be updated as a result of a late charge assessment. However, when a payment is posted, the days late field is increased by 1 at that time.


The days delinquent fields work in conjunction with the Total Times Late field on the Loans > Account Information > Fees & Late Charges & Penalties screen > Late Fees tab. However, if the number of grace days is less than 10 and a late charge is assessed, only the Total Times Late field will be updated. The 10-29 Days field is not updated because the assessment was less than 10 days. In this case, the total in the Total Times Late field will not be equal to the total of all the 10-29, etc. ranges added together.


If a payment is reversed, the appropriate days late field (10-29, etc.) is reduced by 1.


If a late charge is waived (tran code 570), the Total Times Late field is reduced by 1. In addition, if the 10-29 days field is greater than zero, it is reduced by 1. If the 10-29 days field is zero, the program checks the 30-59 days field and, if it is greater than zero, it is reduced by 1. If the 30-59 days field is zero, the same process continues for the 60-89 days field and 90+ days field.


All file maintenance to the days late fields is displayed in Loan History in both the late charge assessment and the payment transaction.



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