Navigation:  Account Delinquency screen > Delinquent Payments tab > Payments Due field group >

Plus Remaining Portion Due

Navigation:  Account Delinquency screen > Delinquent Payments tab > Payments Due field group >

Plus Remaining Portion Due

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Entry: System, numeric

F/M: No

Mnemonic: LNRPDU

Screen: Account Detail, Payment Detail tab; Loans > Collections > Account Delinquency, Delinquent Payments tab

Field Group: Payments Due


This field is used in connection with the Roll Due Date Within fields. It stores the remaining unpaid portion of the payment. The amount is then added to the total due on the Bill and Receipt statement (FPSRP294).


When payments are posted to the loan, the remaining portion due is paid before the roll limit is checked. So, if the payment minus the remaining portion due is less than the roll limit, the due date will not roll. Example: The payment sent was $100.00, the remaining due is $30.00, and the limit is $80.00. The system will pay the remaining due leaving $70.00 left, which is less than the roll limit of $80.00. The due date will not roll. Using the same example, but changing the payment amount to $110.00, the system will again pay the remaining due leaving $80.00, which is equal to the roll limit. The due date will roll and the difference between the roll limit and the payment amount will be added to the remaining portion due.

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