Navigation:  Account Delinquency screen > Delinquent Payments tab >

Mailing Label Name & Address field group

Navigation:  Account Delinquency screen > Delinquent Payments tab >

Mailing Label Name & Address field group

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This field group displays the name and address information that is set up for the mailing label. Up to six lines are displayed.


If there is a mail restriction such as "Do Not Mail," it will be displayed. Restrictions are set up on the CIS > Entity Maintenance - Mailing Label screen for the account.


You can copy and paste the mailing information by completing the following steps:


1.Right-click in the Mailing Label Name & Address field group you want to copy, then select "Copy."


2.Go to where you want the mailing information; for example, a word-processing document.


3.Right-click, then select "Paste."


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