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Sort Options

Navigation:  Collection Options Screen >

Sort Options

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Note: This field group will not display on this screen if variable queues are being used. This is to eliminate any confusion as to where queue sorts are set up. If variable queues are being used, the sort options are set up in Loans > Collections > Queues > Variable Queue Setup screen; if you are not using variable queues then you would use this field group.


Once it has been determined when loans would appear in the collection queue, these fields are used to set up the order that the collection queue would be sorted by: Account Number, Due Date, Principal Balance, Amount Due, or the Number of Delinquent Payments. The final sort would be in Ascending or Descending order.


For example, you could set up accounts to appear in the collection queues only after the grace days have been reached. Then they could be displayed in the queue in descending due date order (the most delinquent would appear at the top) and then by account number for each due date sort.


Two fields are available for sort options:


Sort Control Fields (QOSRTF): This field is used to set up the order that the collection queue would be sorted by. The following codes can be used:


Loan Account Number

Loan Balance

Amounts Due

Loan Due Date

Number of Delinquent Payments


Sort Sequence (QOSRTS): This field is used to select the sort sequence. The following codes can be used:


Ascending order

Descending order


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