Navigation: Account Delinquency screen > Delinquent Payments tab > Payments Due field group >
Entry: System, numeric
F/M: No
Mnemonic: CLTOT2_0–3
Screen: Account Detail, Payment Detail tab; Loans > Collections > Account Delinquency, Delinquent Payments tab
Field Group: Payments Due
This field shows the total of all payments owed at each payment amount. The payment amount due is multiplied by the number of payments late. For graduated payments, each payment change will be totaled in these fields. For example, if a loan was late for three payments at a rate of $350 and late for two payments at a rate of $400 dollars, then the total would show $1050 for the first payment amount, and $800 for the second payment amount. A grand total of payments due, plus late charges and fees is totaled at the bottom of this column. This amount is added to calculate the Total Due.