Navigation:  Bankruptcy Transaction Screen > Bankruptcy Transactions field group >

Withdraw/Withdrawn Date

Navigation:  Bankruptcy Transaction Screen > Bankruptcy Transactions field group >

Withdraw/Withdrawn Date

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Entry: User, radio

F/M: Yes

Mnemonic: None


If a bankruptcy transaction was processed in CIM GOLD, but then later the account owner withdrew their petition with the bankruptcy courts, select this radio button and enter the date the bankruptcy was withdrawn from the court in the Withdrawn Date field. Click <Run Transaction> and the system will withdraw the bankruptcy information. Additionally, the system will update specific fields pertaining to the withdrawal of the bankruptcy.


The system will update the CIID (Consumer Information Indicator) to be blank or retain what was previously reported before the bankruptcy transaction was run. This information is reported to credit repositories at monthend during the Credit Reporting process.


For a more detailed explanation, see the main Bankruptcy Transaction screen help.


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