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The following options are used in credit reporting:
•OPT CBYT identifies the credit repositories to send the transmission to. You must supply FPS GOLD with your subscriber (client) number for each credit repository. This information is used in the reporting transmission to identify your institution on the transmission sent to the credit repositories.
•OPT EXPR, TRNS, EQUI, and CCA3 store the subscriber number.
•OPT LTCB allows you to delay the assessment of late charge and reporting to credit repositories a set number of days.
•Afterhours Update Function 73 must be set to "daily." Afterhours Update Function 73 automatically adds or deletes action code 94 or 194 (Credit Bureau Date of Occurrence) and the corresponding action date for delinquent loans. It also updates the credit reporting account status. This function only runs the business night before the due date day and at monthend. For more information, see Coding of Derogatory Credit Status.