Navigation: Security System > Security Reports Screen >
The Securables tab allows you to select an application, System, or screen and view or print which employees or profiles have been granted security to them in CIM GOLD Security. You can also show which employees are restricted by field-level security.
If multiple profiles are assigned to an employee, the employee's "effective" security will be determined.
To view the people or profiles assigned security to specific screens:
1.Select either CIM GOLD, System, or Field Level Security.
2.Select Employees and/or Profiles.
Based on the application you select, the screens in the list will change.
3.Checkmark the screens you want to include on the report.
4.To expand the list view, click on the + sign.
5.To select all screens in the expanded list, click on the box next to the main tree item.
6.When you have made your search selection, click <Run Report>.
The results will display on the right side of the screen. The report shows the employees and/or profiles that have security to the selected screens. The report also shows whether they have INQ (inquiry) or F/M (file maintenance) rights to the screen.
Right-click in the print preview to use the Find, Increase Zoom, and Decrease Zoom features. You can also use <Ctrl>+<F> keys to find data within the print preview. You can print the results by clicking <Print>.