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Security System


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Security System


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Before you can use CIM GOLD, security must be set up for each employee who will use CIM GOLD. Security for CIM GOLD is set up in the CIM GOLD application under Security in the left tree view, as shown below.




See any of the following topics for more information concerning the screens under Security:

Company security options


Reset Passwords

Reset Violations


Subscribe to Mini-Applications

Terminated Employee Deletion

The following list shows the order in which security must be set up within CIM GOLD so that security will work properly for your institution and employees.



FPS GOLD must add security for your institution’s Security Administrator before employee security setups can begin.

1.Subscribe to Mini-Applications - Before security setup, your institution must subscribe to all applications and screens your institution will use.

2.Company Options - The fields on this screen define your institution name, length of employee numbers and passwords, days to force security code (password) changes, and minutes of inactivity to timeout CIM GOLD and other FPS GOLD products. Company Options are found on the CIM GOLD Security > Company Options screen.

3.Setup - Contains setup fields for employee, profile, teller security, CIM GOLD screens, and field-level security. If your institution chooses to use profiles, they must be set up before setting up individual employees.

Also see the FPS GOLD Employee Profiles section in the Security Management user guide for security information specifically for FPS GOLD employees.


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