Navigation: Frequently Asked Questions >
•Your institution might not have subscribed to that screen. (Security > Subscribe to Mini-applications)
•You might not have security to view that screen. (Security > Security Setup)
•You might not have the most current version of CIM GOLD. (Version or greater)
•You might need to clear your cache files, then log on to CIM GOLD again. (Miscellaneous > Delete Cache) Clearing out your cache allows you to reload information directly from the host.
•You might not have the correct file for that screen stored on your computer. (Contact your FPS GOLD banking consultant to find out which file you may be missing.)
•If none of the above suggestions work, create a Version Report and e-mail it to your FPS GOLD banking consultant. (Options menu > Version Report > Save Report to Disk. This will create a text file that you can attach to an e-mail and send to FPS GOLD.)
Two items affect which screens can be viewed by a user. The first is Subscribe to Mini-Applications under the Security section in the Navigation Tree in CIM GOLD. This option controls what screens are available for use by your institution. If the box next to the screen name is checked, then your institution has subscribed to that screen. If the box is not checked, your institution has not subscribed to that screen.
The second feature that affects which screen a user sees is screen security. Under the Security section, then Security Setup, your institution can decide which screens each of your employees can access. Possible choices are Inquiry Only, File Maintenance and Inquiry, or No access to the screen. If you have not been given Inquiry or File Maintenance access to a screen, that screen name will not appear in the Navigation tree when you have signed on. Note: Only screens your institution has subscribed to will display in the Security Setup and in the Navigation tree.
You have security and you subscribe to the screen, but you still cannot view the screen. Why?
Possible reasons include:
1.Do you have the file for the screen? The filename ends in ".dll," such as "AccountDetail.dll." Each screen in CIM GOLD uses one or more *.dll files to store the look and functionality of the screen. If the .dll for a particular screen is not included in your files on your computer, the screen will never appear in your Navigation tree, even if your institution has subscribed to it and you have security to view or maintain it.
2.The cache file on your computer may be outdated. CIM GOLD uses a cache file to store tables, security, etc. A version number of the screen security record is also stored in your cache file. If FPS GOLD has updated the screen security record, then deleting your cache will cause your computer to load that new version of the security record from the host. If you have further questions, please contact your FPS GOLD banking consultant for further assistance.