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How do I use Help?

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How do I use Help?

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There are many help tools available in CIM GOLD to assist you. Four of them are listed below:


Field Help – This is used to get help for a specific field. Place the cursor in a field or list box, press <F1> on your keyboard, or select "Mini-Application Help" from the Help menu.

Protected Field Help – This is used for fields that do not allow you to place your cursor in that field. Place your cursor over the field, right-click or left-click to see the field mnemonic. In the box that appears, click <Close> to close the mnemonic box, or click <Help> to view help for that field.  

Master Help Search - Select "Master Help Search" from the Help menu. Use the Search tab to type in the words you want to search for. Results will display below the Search field. Double-click on one of the results to display help for that result, or highlight the result and click <Display>. You can also use the Contents or Index tabs to search according to topic or keyword.

User’s Guide – This is used to get general instructions for using CIM GOLD. Select "User’s Guide" from the Help menu. Use the Search tab to type in words you want to search for. Results will display below the Search field. Double-click on one of the results to display help for that result, or highlight the result and click <Display>. You can also use the Contents or Index tabs to search according to topic or keyword.


See also:


Create User-defined Help

Search for Help on CIM GOLD


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