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OnUs Check Clearing

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OnUs Check Clearing

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On-us checks from internal teller transactions are given a Transaction Code (tran code) of 1130.6 when they are processed from X937 files sent to FPS GOLD from your organization.


Tran code 1130.6 on-us items will be sent to GOLD ExceptionManager (GEM) for the same reject reasons as checks posting from FRB. The 1130.6 checks can be handled through GEM by either posting the item to the account or by returning the item and processing a charge back to the account the check was credited to. When a return option is selected in GEM for an on-us 1130.6 item, the Create Charge Back dialog box displays (see below). When Teller Capture is used, Image Replacement Documents (IRD) can be created from the X937 Research Screen in CIM (CIM > Miscellaneous > X937 Research). See the X937 Research Image Replacement Document (IRD) section in this guide.



Create Charge Back Message When 1130.6 Items Are Returned in GEM 

Create Charge Back Message When 1130.6 Items Are Returned in GEM

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