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This screen displays in a graphical chart entities that are related to the name, organization, or trust selected on the Entity Maintenance screen, Customer Search screen, or any loan or deposit account screen.
The following is an example of the Customer Relationships screen.
When you access the Customer Relationships screen, the name of the account owner for the account you are working with will appear in the blue box at the top of the chart. The number of deposit and loan accounts that person owns and the total dollar amounts of those accounts is shown in the box.
Information for other customers linked to this person will be displayed in the chart. The colors of those boxes indicate the relationships they have to the person. The Color Key field group at the bottom of the screen defines what the colors mean.
•BLUE indicates the primary owner, which can be a person, organization or trust.
•GREEN indicates the person has a direct monetary relationship with the primary owner. The primary owner has a direct influence on the accounts totaled and listed in each green box.
•BROWN indicates the person has an indirect monetary relation with the primary owner. An indirect relationship means that the primary owner (blue box) may have influence on but not control over the funds in a brown box. Indirect relationships may be important to your bank because the primary owner may have enough influence on these funds to be able to bring more accounts to your bank. Conversely, you could lose these accounts if the primary owner is unhappy and influences the owners of the indirect relationships to move their funds to other banks.
•GRAY indicates that the person already appears somewhere else in the chart. In the example above, Dr. Henry Jones, Sr. is shown to have a relationship to Marion E. Ravenwood, but the box is gray because he also appears in a brown box showing an indirect relationship to Henry Jones, Jr., who is the primary owner.
•BLACK indicates there is no relationship to the primary owner.
The Total Relationship field group summarizes the total direct and indirect monetary control the primary owner has based on the relationships tied to him. The list views to the right separate the indirect and direct accounts into two sections, one for deposit accounts and another for loan accounts.
Single-clicking on an entity in the tree view will reveal other relationships tied to the box you click in. If no other box appears then there are no other links to that person, organization, or trust. To view another related entity as the primary entity, right-click on the box and select "View as Primary." The chart will change to show the selected entity as the primary (blue box) and show all the relationships tied to that new entity. All the information on the screen, including the account information and totals at the bottom of the screen, will relate to that entity.
To view the list of accounts and the ownership, right-click on the box and select "Show Account." A window listing all the deposit (D) and Loan (L) accounts, balances, and ownership (based on the name selected) will be shown. To close the window, press the <Esc> key or click the red X. This list can be printed by right-clicking in the list view.
To print this screen, click the Print Screen menu item.