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This section explains how you can grade customers according to their profitability. Customer grading involves the following screens.
The information in the CIS file gives your institution the capability to grade your customer file and to track individual customer profitability. This explanation will help you understand grading and profitability and will serve as a tool to help you set up the parameters for this functionality to work according to your expectations.
The profitability of an individual customer is determined based on criteria entered on the Bank Parameters Screen (CIS > CIS Designer > Bank Parameter Setup Screen).
The Customer Grading Schedule allows you to define the grading parameters for your customers. This grading schedule will determine the color of their Customer Index Bubble and may be incorporated into internal policies and procedures.
The Customer Evaluation screen reflects the profitability of a customer to your institution. The screen is designed to give a fairly detailed customer performance view for the past 12 months.
Bank Parameter Setup Screen
Customer Grading Schedule Screen