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Bankruptcy Costs field group

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Bankruptcy Costs field group

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These fields contain information pertaining to bankruptcy costs. Six descriptions and six amount fields are available. These may be amounts the institution has paid from the loan as advances, or they may be amounts you have paid from a general ledger. The total of these amounts are also displayed in the Bankruptcy Costs field on the Case Information tab.


See the following example of this field group, followed by field descriptions:








Mnemonic: ATCDS1-ATCDS6

Enter in these fields the description of the loan advance your institution has made on the loan (legal fees, taxes, etc.).



Mnemonic: ATCAM1-ATCAM6

Enter in these fields the amounts of the advances your institution has made on the loan (legal fees, taxes, etc.).


Bankruptcy Cost


Mnemonic: N/A

This is the total bankruptcy cost. It is the total of the six amount fields in this field group.



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