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Bankruptcy Totals field group

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Bankruptcy Totals field group

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The Bankruptcy Totals field group on the Case Information tab of the Bankruptcy Information screen displays bankruptcy totals for the total due, bankruptcy cost, senior liens, total secured balance, and total unsecured balance. The fields in this field group cannot be changed using these fields. They are pulled from other fields, as described below.






Total Due


Mnemonic: BLBOTODU

This system-calculated field is the total amount due, including late charges and fees, on all loans in the bankruptcy as of the date in the File Date field.


The bankruptcy transaction calculates the total due as follows:


Principal balance (LNPBAL)
- LIP undisbursed (LNLBAL)
- Customer balance (LNCBAL)
+ Accrued interest (date last accrued to bankruptcy file date)
- Escrow balance (LNR1BL)
- Reserve balance (LNR2BL)
- Subsidy balance (LNSBAL)
- Partial pay if not PM 3 or 6 (LNPRTL)
- Miscellaneous (LNMISC)
+ Other bankruptcy charges (ATOCHR)
+ Late charges (LNLATE)
+ Loan fees (LNFEES)



Total Due (BLBOTODU)



Note: This field is file maintained automatically when bankruptcy transactions are processed. It may be calculated differently depending on which bankruptcy options are set up for your institution.

Bankruptcy Costs


Mnemonic: BLBOCOST

This field is the total cost of the bankruptcy incurred by the institution. It is the total of the six Bankruptcy Costs fields on the Account Information tab for all loans in the bankruptcy


Senior Liens



Two fields are displayed—the total number of senior liens and the total dollar amount of the senior liens for all loans in the bankruptcy. Both are calculated using information on the Loans > Collections > Foreclosure & Repossession & Judgment screen, Lienholders tab.

Total Secured Balance


Mnemonic: BLBOBSBL

This is the total balance that is covered by security for all loans in the bankruptcy. This information is originally supplied when bankruptcy transactions are run. If you want to change the amount in these fields, use the Names tab and file maintain the Secured Balance field in the top list view.

Total Unsecured Balance


Mnemonic: BLBOUSBL

This is the total balance that is not covered by security for all loans in the bankruptcy. This information is originally supplied when bankruptcy transactions are run. If you want to change the amount in these fields, use the Names tab and file maintain the Unsecured Balance field in the top list view.


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