Navigation: Account Delinquency screen > Letters & Actions tab > Event Letters, Numbers & Dates field group >
Event Letter
Entry: User, drop-down list
F/M: Yes
Mnemonic: LNEVNT, LNEVN2–4
Screen: Account Detail and several others
Use this field to enter the loan event and code that will cause the system to create a record that is sent to the GOLD EventLetters program, where you can merge that information with a letter from Microsoft® Word, and send the letters to the appropriate loan account borrowers. Clicking the list icon to the right will bring up the Loan Event Letter Number Definitions list, which you can use to select the event and code.
Note: To clear data from this field, click the list icon again, and then double-click the blank line at the top of the list.
The most important aspect of this screen is the control of event letters. An event occurs when a predefined event affects a loan. Some examples are when a loan rolls a rate, when it is delinquent, or when a loan account is opened or closed. Each predefined event has an assigned event code. When a predefined event occurs, the system automatically generates an event record, which is used later by the GOLD EventLetters system to generate a letter to inform the account holder that an event has occurred that affects the loan. When an event letter is generated, it is written in history.
The event letters generated are set up through the GOLD EventLetters program and Microsoft Word. If your event letters have not been set up through these programs, or you do not have these programs, please contact your FPS GOLD banking consultant. You will also receive a daily report whenever event letters are generated (FPSRP175).
WARNING: Customers are wholly responsible for the format and wording of event letters. FPS GOLD does not guarantee that sample letters comply with regulatory agencies. See GOLD EventLetters Setup Procedures in the GOLD EventLetters User's Guide for detailed instructions on how to create the letter in Microsoft Word and use the Mail Merge function to merge GOLD EventLetters-generated data with the letter. Also see the GOLD EventLetters help.
There are three types of fields, Event Letter, Number, and Date, that orchestrate the preparation of event letters. Each of these field types has five available fields, as Event Letter 1, Event Letter 2, Event Letter 3, etc. The Event Letter 1 field corresponds across the line to the Event Number 1 field and the Event Date 1 field, the Event Letter 2 field corresponds to the Event Number 2 and Event Date 2 fields, and so on. When discussing these fields, this document will call them Event Letter, Event Number, and Event Date, leaving out the numbers from 1-5. All of the event fields are file maintainable.
Event letters are printed by event code, then letter number order and sorted by account number. However, the ARM Letter Report will be printed in loan number order.
Note: More than one event letter can be generated each night per loan.
Note: Unless you have manually requested the letter on the Letters & Actions tab, the letter number assigned by the system will always be 0 (default).
For example, if the system automatically generated a "closed loan letter," it would assign it event 22, letter 0. However, if your institution has many different versions of the closed loan letter, and you want a different letter than the default letter, on the Letters & Actions tab you would select event 22 and the specific letter number (1 through 255) and no date, as shown in the following fields:
Tip: Since letter numbers are institution-defined, you can save your institution-defined letter number and a definition for it in the user-defined help for this screen. User-defined help is accessed from the Help menu in CIM GOLD. When you log off and log back onto CIM GOLD, the help for this screen will stay saved until you change it.
When the loan is paid off, you would then generate a paid off letter (event 14).
If you want a letter to be created on a specific date, such as tonight, you would enter the event number, the letter number if other than letter 0 (default), and the date you want the letter created. During the night of the letter date, the system will create the letter.
Loans with a general category of 80 and above or loans with an origination code of 3, 15, or 16 (loans purchased/serviced by others) will not create letters.
Information entered on the Letters & Actions tab from anywhere in the Loans System is saved, and the information appears on the tab wherever it exists in CIM GOLD. The Letters & Actions tab can be found on the following screens:
Loans > Account Information > Account Detail screen
Loans > Account Information > ARM Information screen
Loans > Account Information > Line-of-Credit > Commercial Line-of-Credit screen
Loans > Account Information > Line-of-Credit > Consumer Line-of-Credit screen
Loans > Account Information > Payoff screen
Loans > Account Information > Precomputed Loans screen
Loans > Account Information > Tracking > Account Tracking Items screen
Loans > Collections > Account Delinquency screen
Loans > Collections > Bankruptcy screen
Loans > Collections > Foreclosure & Repossession & Judgment
Negative Amortizing Loans and Their Corresponding Event Letters
If the loan is a negative amortizing loan, the letter number is the event number plus 200. For example, if event 1 is selected for a negative amortizing loan, the letter number is 201.
A letter from the 200 series is generated whenever the system calculates the next interest rate, the next P/I payment, or both and, because of the caps, the new calculated P/I is lower than the required amortized P/I and the interest P/I. For example:
New Calculated P/I = $490 |
Required Amortized P/I = $520 |
Interest P/I = $500 then a letter from the 200 series is generated. |
If the new calculated P/I is lower than the amortized P/I, but greater than the interest P/I, then the 300 series letter is generated. For example:
New Calculated P/I = $490 |
Required Amortized P/I = $500 |
Interest P/I = $480 then a letter from the 300 series is generated. |
The system will calculate the amortized P/I payment and the interest only P/I payment, and show these amounts on the Loans > Account Information > ARM Information screen. These amounts can also be printed on 200 and 300 series ARM event letters using the correct merge fields. The borrower is not required to pay the amortized P/I, but if the borrower does, the loan will continue to fully amortize over the remaining term of the loan. If the borrower chooses to pay the interest only P/I payment, then the interest only amount will be applied to the loan.
The following chart lists the event number currently defined when an ARM loan (payment method 7 or payment method 6 ARM) rolls a rate.
Event Number |
Subsidy Constant Change |
Next Accrual Rate Change |
Next P/I Payment Change |
Periodic Rate Cap Used |
Lifetime Rate Cap Used |
1 |
no |
up |
no |
yes |
no |
2 |
no |
down |
no |
yes |
no |
3 |
no |
up |
yes |
yes |
no |
4 |
no |
down |
yes |
yes |
no |
6 |
no |
down |
no |
no |
no |
7 |
no |
down |
yes |
no |
no |
10 |
no |
up |
no |
no |
no |
11 |
no |
up |
yes |
no |
no |
17 |
no |
up |
yes |
yes |
yes |
18 |
no |
down |
yes |
yes |
yes |
19 |
no |
up |
yes |
no |
yes |
20 |
no |
down |
yes |
no |
yes |
34 |
no |
no |
yes |
no |
no |
37 |
no |
up/down |
no |
yes |
yes (min/max) |
38 |
no |
up/down |
no |
no |
yes (min/max) |
40 |
no |
up/down |
yes |
yes/no |
yes/no |
53 |
no |
up/down |
yes/no |
yes/no |
yes/no |
(Refer to event 40 described below.)
Other events that do not pertain to ARM loan rate rolls are listed here with their event numbers.
Event Code # |
Event Description |
5 |
Rate Sensitive Event This event automatically produces an event letter when the loan rate changes on a payment method 5 or a payment method 6 (non-ARM loan). |
13 |
Escrow Tax Payment Letter This event record is generated when the system encounters tran codes 440 (escrow disbursement), 448 (escrow disbursement correction), 640 (reserve disbursement), and 648 (reserve disbursement correction) for a single family owner-occupied loan (collateral code 1-4 and LNOWNR is equal to "Yes") for any of the following Disbursement Type codes:
An event letter will be generated for each separate disbursement type code processed on the account. If multiple disbursements are performed for the same disbursement type code, only one event letter will be generated for the combined amount.
This event letter is automatically generated; it cannot be manually ordered.
14 |
Loan Payoff Event This event record is not generated automatically. It must be requested. This letter can also be requested by using the Event Date and Event Number fields on the Loans > Account Information > Payoff screen, Letters & Actions tab. Only event letter number 14 can be requested from that screen. |
15 |
LIP Billing Event This event record is automatically generated when the Prior Unpaid Charges field on the Loans > Construction > Account Construction Detail screen, Balances, Rates & Billing tab, is changed. |
16 |
LIP Reminder Event This event record is not generated automatically. It must be requested. |
21 |
New Loan Event This event record is generated when the system encounters tran code 680 (new loan). The origination officer's name and number are available for this letter. |
22 |
Closed Loan Event This event record is generated when the system encounters tran code 580 (close loan). |
23 |
Delinquency Event This event record is not generated automatically. It must be requested. The loan must be delinquent when this event is ordered or the letters will not generate. Date and time of appointment can be set up in action code 210 and 211. See the action code help. |
24 |
Specialty Request Letter This is reserved for letters that are a special request of the institution. This is the same as 23, except the loan does not have to be delinquent. |
25 |
Prenotification of Loan Maturity Letter This letter can be generated any number of days before the maturity date. You must inform FPS GOLD of the number of days prior to maturity the letters should be generated. The system defaults to 120 days. FPS GOLD Only: Set OPT7-MDYS to the desired number of days. |
26 |
Loan Maturity Event Letter This letter will be generated on the maturity date. |
27 |
Loan Balloon Payment Letter This letter will print when there is a "1" in the Action Code field, and the date of the action code is today's date. Action code 1 stops all activity on the loan. To set the letter to print 30 days in advance, you can put the advanced date in the Action Date field. This date will then need to be changed to the final balloon date after the letter is generated. |
28 |
Beneficiary Statement This letter is generated upon request from this screen, however, if no payoff record exists it will not be created. If you attempt to set up this letter, the system will first check to see if a payoff record exists. If it doesn't, you will receive the message "MUST CREATE PAYOFF RECORD FIRST." If it does, the letter will be created. You must lock in payoff, then unlock it (that creates the payoff record), then order event letter 28. Use the same date you used in the Event Date field on the Payoff screen. |
29 |
Loan Sold Letter This letter is generated when a loan is sold, to allow you to inform all associated with the loan that it was sold. All information found on the Loans > Account Information > Escrow/Reserve > Escrow & Reserve Detail screen may be utilized with this event letter. This event can be created with information regarding the company that /escrow/reserve disbursements are sent to. This event creates multiple letters; i.e., if you have three insurance companies set up, you will receive three separate letters. Institution option T EV29 will stop letters from being created for disbursement types 10 thru 19 (taxes). If you would like this option, submit a work order. This event must be requested through a work order. Order manually. |
30 |
Buydown Payment Change Letter This letter is generated one month prior to the new subsidy effective date. |
31 |
Buydown Expiration Letter This letter is generated one month prior to the subsidy expiration date. |
32 |
Insurance Letter (before expiration date) This event will automatically generate letters for disbursement types 20-28 and 40-49 that will expire within 75 days. A separate letter is created for each disbursement item. Note: This event can also be manually requested within 75 days prior to the expiration date or any time after the expiration date.
This event will generate a letter to inform the customer that a disbursement item is about to expire. The letter will generate a specific number of days before the expiration date.
•A report option is available which indicates how many days prior to the expiration date a letter will be automatically generated; if this option is not set the letter will generate on the expiration date. ➢ FPS GOLD Only: Miscellaneous Parameters 3-4 stores the number of days prior to the expiration date to create the letter. •Institution options RDEX and RDE2 are available to store the disbursement types for which the bank would like letters to be automatically generated. For example, if you only want letters for disbursement types 20-25 or 40-45. Information used in the letters is pulled from Loans > Account Information > Escrow/Reserve > Escrow & Reserve Detail screen. This event must be requested through a work order. Also see events 39, 51, and 52. |
33 |
Over Credit Limit Notification for Line-of-Credit Loans This letter is generated when the credit limit for line-of-credit (payment method 5) loans has been exceeded. The letter will automatically be created when the date of the last transaction is today and the principal balance exceeds the credit limit. Note: A letter will be created each time the date of the last transaction changes; this may result in more than one letter being created within several days. (The date of the last tran is for monetary activity only.) The letter can also be ordered manually. If the loan is a non-revolving line-of-credit, this letter is not available. |
34 |
P/I Payment Changes Only Letter All P/I change fields are checked for a change, and any change is reported on the letter. No rate changes are included in this letter. |
35 |
FHA Loan Payoff Letter (Insured Prior to August 2, 1985) This letter is sent once a year as required by the National Affordable Housing Act, section 329 and follows the format defined by HUD. In the afterhours on the date requested by the institution, the system automatically selects letter 35 or 36 using the Open field. The letter prints the payoff amount, the fees pertaining to the payoff either as part of the total payoff amount or as a separate amount, and any requirements the borrower must fulfill to prevent accrual of interest on the mortgage loan after the pre-payment date. To request this letter, submit a work order to FPS GOLD indicating the telephone number of your Loan Service Department for the borrower to call, the name and title of the employee who signs the letter, and how the payoff fees are disclosed. To manually generate this letter, set up the event. The payoff is calculated to the end of the month following the date that the event letter is requested.
The payoff is calculated as follows: Principal balance on the date the letter is created multiplied by the Interest Rate, then divided by 12 (months). The system then adjusts the interest amount for prepaid or delinquent loans. The interest is always calculated through the end of the month following the month the letter was created. Example: If the letter was created in December, the calculation is through January 31. Escrow/reserves are not subtracted from the payoff amount. For ease in your being able to tie to our figures, the escrow/reserves are not subtracted from the payoff amount (you don't have to worry about interest on escrow or reserves). The event will only generate on loans with an insurer code of 1 (FHA).
See the FPS GOLD Only section below. |
36 |
FHA Loan Payoff Letter (Insured On or After August 2, 1985)
This letter is generated and calculated the same as event 35 with the following exceptions:
1. This letter is for FHA loans insured on or after August 2, 1985.
2. One of the following sentences can be printed on the letter specified by your institution:
•Option 1: "Otherwise, your prepayment will be refused until the next installment due date and interest will be charged to that date." •Option 2: "Otherwise, you may be required to pay interest on the amount prepaid through the end of the month." |
FHAD | Set this option (FHA Disclosure letter run date MMDD) to have the letters run every year on the same month and day. |
FHAF | Set this option (FHA Disclosure extra fee) to disclose the fees pertaining to the payoff. |
EVNT | Set this option (Event Letter Request) to include events 35 and 36. |
Event Code # |
Event Description |
39 |
Insurance Letter (on expiration date) This event will automatically generate letters on the expiration date for disbursement types 20-28 and 40-49. A separate letter is created for each disbursement item. Note: This event cannot be manually requested.
Options: •There is not an option that controls when the letter is automatically generated; it will always generate on the expiration date.
•Institution options RDEX and RDE2 are available to store the disbursement types for which the bank would like letters to be automatically generated. For example, if you only want letters for disbursement types 20-25 or 40-45.
Information used in the letters is pulled from Loans > Account Information > Escrow/Reserve > Escrow & Reserve Detail screen. This event must be requested through a work order.
Also see events 32, 51, and 52. |
40 |
P/I Payment Change Different than Rate Changes Letter (CNE040) All P/I change fields are checked for a change, and any change is reported on the letter. The letter includes a summary of interest rate changes that have occurred since the last P/I change. This letter can only be generated if the Use Event Letter 40 field on the Loans > Account Information > ARM Information screen, Rate Caps & Negative Amortization tab displays a checkmark, the rate change frequency is not the same as the P/I constant change frequency, and you have requested the event letter by work order.
For example, if the next P/I change is on April 1, the last P/I change was April 1, and the interest rate does not change on April 1, the event letter will generate showing the next P/I change date and amount and all the rate changes since April 1. |
41 |
Payment Change when LIP Event 41 calculates the new P/I while the loan is still in the construction process. If the LIP method code is 1 or 101 and the loan fields call for a P/I change, the system will calculate the new loan accrual rate and P/I payment.
WARNING: While the loan is in the construction process and payments are posted, the installment number does not increase (it remains zero). Depending on the number of remaining months to be used in the P/I calculation, you may have to manually enter the installment number either from the pattern or prior to the system calculation. Example: you have a construction/permanent loan with a term of 360 months. The first 9 months is the construction period. The mortgage payments on the permanent loan are to amortize over 351 months. In order for the new P/I to be calculated correctly, the installment number should be 9. |
42 |
LIP Rate Change Event 42 will generate an LIP rate change letter if the LIP rate changes are either based on a rate change date or for rate sensitive loans. This letter will only create if the LIP method code is 1 or 101. |
43 |
Charge Interest on Negative Escrow/Reserves Billing Event 43 will generate a billing letter for charging interest on negative escrow or reserves. |
44 |
First Late Notice Event 44 generates a letter for the first late notice. In order to generate late notices through the event letter system, the event number (44, 45, or 46) must be entered in the Notice 1 Type, Notice 2 Type, and Notice 3 Type fields on Loans > Account Information > Fees & Late Charges & Penalties screen, as well as the desired number of days. |
45 |
Second Late Notice Event 45 will generate a second late notice. In order to generate late notices through the event letter system, the event number (44, 45, or 46) must be entered in the Notice 1 Type, Notice 2 Type, and Notice 3 Type fields on Loans > Account Information > Fees & Late Charges & Penalties screen, as well as the desired number of days. |
46 |
Third Late Notice Event 46 will generate a third late notice. In order to generate late notices through the event letter system, the event number (44, 45, or 46) must be entered in the Notice 1 Type, Notice 2 Type, and Notice 3 Type fields on Loans > Account Information > Fees & Late Charges & Penalties screen, as well as the desired number of days. |
47 |
Force-Place Insurance Event Event 47 will generate a letter anytime an insurance policy expires or a Force-Place Insurance transaction (tran code 2870) is run. |
48 |
Fee Assessment Notice This event generates if a Miscellaneous Fee transaction or corresponding correction is processed on an account.
Valid transaction codes are: Assess Misc. Fee—tran code 660/668 Waive Misc. Fee—tran code 670/678 Pay Misc. Fee—tran code 850/858 |
49 |
Fee Reminder Notice This letter must be requested manually. |
50 |
PMI Notice This letter must be requested manually. |
51 |
Insurance Letter (before expiration date) This event will automatically generate letters for disbursement types 20-28 and 40-49 that will expire within 75 days. A separate letter is created for each disbursement item. Note: This event can also be manually requested within 75 days prior to the expiration date or any time after the expiration date.
This event will generate a letter to inform the customer that a disbursement item is about to expire. The letter will generate a specific number of days before the expiration date.
•A report option is available which indicates how many days prior to the expiration date a letter will be automatically generated; if this option is not set the letter will generate on the expiration date. ➢ FPS GOLD Only: Miscellaneous Parameters 5-6 stores the number of days prior to the expiration date to create the letter. •Institution options RDEX and RDE2 are available to store the disbursement types for which the bank would like letters to be automatically generated. For example, if you only want letters for disbursement types 20-25 or 40-45. Information used in the letters is pulled from Loans > Account Information > Escrow/Reserve > Escrow & Reserve Detail screen. This event must be requested through a work order. Also see events 32, 39, and 52. |
52 |
Insurance Letter (after expiration date) This event will automatically generate letters after the expiration date for disbursement types 20-28 and 40-49. A separate letter is created for each disbursement item. Note: This event can also be manually requested within 75 days prior to the expiration date or any time after the expiration date.
•A report option is available which indicates how many days after the expiration date a letter will be automatically generated. If this option is not set, the letter will generate on the expiration date. ➢ FPS GOLD Only: Miscellaneous Parameters 7-8 stores the number of days prior to the expiration date to create the letter. •Institution options RDEX and RDE2 are available to store the disbursement types for which the bank would like letters to be automatically generated. For example, if you only want letters for disbursement types 20-25 or 40-45. Information used in the letters is pulled from Loans > Account Information > Escrow/Reserve > Escrow & Reserve Detail screen. This event must be requested through a work order. Also see events 32, 39, and 51. |
53 |
ARM Loans Using the Base Index Rate ARM event letter 53 will automatically generate for loans that have the Use this Base Index Rate option (LNBSIN) checked and that have an event that would trigger any of the following ARM event letters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20, 37, and 38. Instead of the normal event letter generating, it is switched to event 53. The triggering events need to be set up to be used in the institution’s options. Only letter 0 is available for use. |
2040 |
Change of Address It is important to note that the change of address event letter for loan accounts is generated in the Deposit Events system. All 2040 address change event letters, regardless of whether they are for deposits or loans, will be generated in the Deposit Events system. If a loan event letter is ordered, it will show on the history for the loan.
This event will generate a letter any time any part of the address mailing lines change for an open or closed deposit or loan account. If multiple accounts are tied to the same address, an event record will generate for the IRS owner tied to each account with that mailing address. One letter per IRS owner will be created. Letters should be sent to the "old" address (remember this when creating your mail merge document in Microsoft Word). The merge fields are as follows:
The "new" address should be indicated in the body of the letter using the new mailing line merge fields. The merge fields are as follows:
Only one account number for each IRS owner per address change will be available for the event, and all mailing address changes tied to deposit and loan accounts will be included.
For CIS clients, a letter will be created for the regular account address or the alternate address, whichever one is in effect at the time of the change.
In order for this event to generate for a loan account, you must checkmark the Address Change checkbox field on the Deposits > Definitions > Event Setup screen.
If you are already using the address change event letter, but want to add loan accounts, please send in a work order and the minimum one-time fee will be assessed. If you want to begin using the address event letter for the first time, send in a work order and a $450.00 one-time fee will be assessed for the use of this event. Be sure to indicate if you want loan accounts included.
FPS GOLD Only: Institution options OP15-ADEV (deposits) and OP16-ALEV (loans) must both be turned on to process the address change event for both deposit and loans. |
Requesting Event Letters
The Event Letter and Event Number fields work together to request an event letter other than the default letter generated by the system. When the system detects a predefined event happening, it checks to see if the number in the Event Letter field is the event number that is happening. If so, the system will generate the letter number in the Event Number field instead of using the default letter as the letter number. The default number for most events is 0.
When you enter a date in a Event Date field, the system will generate an event record using the event number in the Event Letter field on that date, as if the event were happening. Using this event record, the system will generate the letter number entered in the Event Number field.
When you use the Event Date field to request an event letter on a specific date, the system will only generate the event record and the event letter. It does not cause the actual event to occur.
Note:: If you want an event to generate that is not currently defined, please submit a work order to FPS GOLD customer service to have the event programmed.
Also see on the Web:
•GOLD EventLetters Setup Procedures, in the GOLD EventLetters manual.
•Basic GOLD EventLetters Features, in the GOLD EventLetters manual.