Navigation: Foreclosure & Repossession & Judgment Screen >
The Judgment tab on the Foreclosure & Repossession & Judgment screen is used to display court-ordered judgment information. Judgment information can only be added to the loan by using the Judgment transaction in CIM GOLDTeller (tran code 2510-02). The judgment transaction performs a lot of file maintenance on the loan, including changing the principal balance to be the amount of the judgment and changing the loan interest rate. When running the judgment transaction, all fields that appear on the Foreclosure screen are on the transactions screen; however, you do not need to enter data for each field. For more information, refer to the Special Transactions section in the Transactions and TORCs manual in DocsOnWeb for transaction 2510-02.
Note: The General Ledger numbers used in connection with the Judgment transaction are set up on the GOLD Services > Autopost Setup > Loans > G/L Account Identifiers by Loan Type screen. Depending on the loan general category, it would use Write Off/Judgment - Regular Loan or Write Off/Judgment - Charge Off.
See the following example of this tab, followed by links to field descriptions:
Loans > Collections > Foreclosure & Repossession & Judgment Screen > Judgment Tab