Navigation: Account Delinquency screen > Delinquent Payments tab > Collection Information field group >
Queue Number
Entry: System, numeric
F/M: No
Mnemonic: QICTOR
Screen: Account Delinquency, Delinquent Payments; Collection Queues, Detail & Queue Processing tab, Delinquent Payments tab
Field Group: Collection Information
This field only appears if your institution is using the Variable Queue feature. This number displays the collection queue to which the account was assigned during the last afterhours processing. Each night during the afterhours processing, the system determines which collection queue the loan will appear in based on the variable queue setup criteria. Based on the queue criteria, a loan may be in one queue number today and a different one tomorrow, etc.
The queue number is not an actual field on the loan record; therefore, it is not file maintainable, and it cannot be accessed via GOLDWriter.