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Navigational bar

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Navigational bar

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To the side of the menu items is a navigational menu you can use to quickly access other accounts.




Note: These menu options may vary to match the functionality of the screen you are using. For example, if you are using the Safe Deposit Box System screens, you would not use an Account Number field. Instead, you would use an Office number and Box number fields (see following example).




The following table explains each of the navigational icons.


previous-next screen

<Previous Screen/Last Screen>

Clicking on the first green left arrow or the right arrow will take you to the previous screen you opened, or back to the screen you were on before you clicked the previous screen.



<Beginning of File>

Clicking the left arrow with the vertical line will take you to the very first available account in descending account number order for your institution. For example, if you were currently viewing account number 10, then clicked this icon, you would be taken to account number 1.



<Previous Account>

Clicking the two-left arrow icon will take you to the previous account number in descending account number order for your institution. For example, if you were currently viewing account number 10, then clicked this icon, you would be taken to account number 9.



<Go to Account Number>

You can use this field to enter the account number, then when you click the <Go> icon, the system will take you straight to the main deposit or loan account screen for that account number.


<Next Account>

Clicking the two-right arrow icon will take you to the next account number in ascending account number order for your institution. For example, if you were currently viewing account number 10, then clicked this icon, you would be taken to account number 11.



<End of File>

Clicking the right arrow with the vertical line will take you to the very first available account in ascending account number order for your institution. For example, if you were currently viewing account number 10, then clicked this icon, you would be taken to account number 999999 (the last account number entered for your institution).


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