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CIM GOLD Navigation

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CIM GOLD Navigation

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Because CIM GOLD is a PC-based product, most of the navigating you can do in CIM GOLD will be with your mouse. If you want to view an account, double-click on the account. If you want to view information under a tab, click on the tab. If you want to look up an address, click the "Addresses" tab, then double-click the account of the address you want to look up.

When you right-click on list views and grid views, a pop-up menu will open that will allow you to copy and paste the information from that field into a word processor or another data-entering application. Also see Right-click Menu.

Also see Keystrokes for information on access keys, setting up speed keys, and other navigational tips using your keyboard.

To display a new screen, click on the screen name in the tree-view Navigation section (left-side) of CIM GOLD. The screen that was being displayed will automatically close and the new screen will display in the Application section (right side) of CIM GOLD.


See also:

CIM GOLD Screens

Title Bar  

Menu Bar

Navigational Bar

Status Bar  



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