Navigation:  Setup > Security System > Security Reports Screen > Access tab > Include field group >

All Assigned Profiles

Navigation:  Setup > Security System > Security Reports Screen > Access tab > Include field group >

All Assigned Profiles

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When this field is checked, the employee’s individual security will print as well as the security for each profile assigned to the employee. This field works only when printing Effective Security for an employee and is used in conjunction with the CIM GOLD and System fields in the Include field group.


If the CIM GOLD and/or the System field is selected, the All Assigned Profiles field will print the profile’s security settings for either CIM GOLD and/or System, depending on what is selected. This new field saves the user from having to run another report with the CIM GOLD Profiles or the System Profiles radio button field selected and then having to match the profiles with the employees.


The report will show the Effective security of the employee followed by the Individual Security and Profiles security, in that order.


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