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The following list gives an overview of how FPS GOLD Teller Capture works.


Each teller station PC requires a check scanner.

Transaction slip formats are predefined and should be used for transactions to autofill the account number, personal information for the IRS owner, and the account list.

Customization for documents used should be customized and tested before going live on Teller Capture. See the Transaction Slip Samples at the end of this user's guide for required formats.

If you choose not to scan transaction slips, the account number will need to be manually entered before you begin transactions.

Virtual slips will be created when monetary amounts are entered in the Cash In, Cash Out, Check Out, Journal In, and Journal Out fields. There is also a field, Create Virtual Transaction Tickets when Ticket not Scanned (found on the CIM GOLDTeller Functions menu > Administrator Options > PC Institution Settings screen). If this field is checked, Virtual Tickets will be created for Deposit, Withdrawal, Loan Payment, G/L Credit, and G/L Debit transactions.

Each Transaction must be in balance before proceeding to the next.

Optional scanner endorsement printing can be done at the time of the transaction. Virtual endorsements are required.

The Scan Identifier Compare will automatically come up at final logoff so scan errors and differences can be caught prior to cash balancing and final logoff.

Procedures need to be in place to balance Checks In for your tellers, branches, and the institution before you consider your bank balanced each day.

FPS GOLD will separate your transit checks from your on-us items.

Transit checks will be forwarded to the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) or your correspondent processor.

Image Replacement Document (IRD) printing for charged back checks.


See the following sections for more information.


Images and Storage


Required Components

Item Types and Virtual Tickets


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