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Log Off

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Log Off

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To log off of CIM GOLDTeller, click the <Log Off> button at the top right of the screen:


Log off button


The following dialog box box displays:


Cash Drawer Balance Starter


Select one of the available options, then Press <Enter> or click <OK>. The options are explained below.




These options are available only if they have been set in PC Institution Settings


Temporary Release: If you are leaving your workstation for an extended period of time, such as lunch, and are returning the same day, use this option to log off temporarily.

Don't Clear Currency Fields: When this option is selected, tellers must enter cash amounts on the Cash Drawer - Counter screen at final sign-off. The Don't Clear Currency Fields box will be grayed out on the dialog box box that appears when logging off, as shown below. This option is not used for temporary releases. This option was added to avoid any potential problems from forced balancing of cash. If this option is not selected, tellers have the option of not clearing out any of the currency fields on the Cash Drawer - Counter screen by selecting the Don't Clear Currency Fields checkbox.

Use An Adding Machine: If this option is selected, the Cash Drawer screen that is shown when performing a final logoff functions similarly to an adding machine, so you can use your numbers pad on the keyboard to enter exact amounts. For example, if this option is not set, and you enter "1" in the 100's field, the system knows that the one means 1 hundred dollar bill, and adds up the number as "100" in the total. If this option is on, you would need to enter "100.00," and the system would total it as "100.00." If you enter "1," the system assumes ".01" and displays an error, as shown below:





End-of-Day Release


At the end of a day, teller totals are taken. This can only be done when a final release is performed.


To perform a final release:


1.Deselect Temporary Release.

2.Select Use An Adding Machine.

3.Click <OK>. The Adding Machine screen displays:


Adding machine


4.Click <OK> on this screen. The Balance Sheet screen displays:

Balance sheet


5.Select Print Teller Totals.

6.Click <OK>. The teller totals will print.


See Also:


Log On

Teller Totals


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