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Operator Information

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Operator Information

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Teller System > Administrative > Operator Information in the CIM GOLD tree view


You can easily view and change teller setup information using the Operator Information screen. See the example below.




Operator Information contains data pertinent to individual tellers. Operator information is used to verify that the teller is valid. Operator information indicates the override level assigned to each teller, teller transaction limits, whether a teller can receive and process a remote override, and other teller-specific options.


Teller PC Status:  Shows the current status of the highlighted user. There are three possible statuses:

oSigned On

oSigned Off Temporarily

oSigned Off Permanently




This is the where a user, with appropriate security and while logged on to the same Opers.dat file, may log off another CIM GOLDTeller user by selecting "Signed Off Permanently" or "Signed Off Temporarily."

Override Authority: The use of Remote Override allows a teller performing a transaction, requiring an override above their own specified level, to send that transaction electronically to another employee signed on CIMGOLD for a remote override.  Use the Override Authority drop-down list to select the appropriate override level for the user.

Override Required for Correction: Select, from the drop-down list, the override required for the user to perform correction transactions.

Remote Override Priority: An officer needing override authority must have a value of 1 in this field.

Automatically Fill Account List on Account Entry: When entering the account number on a transaction all accounts for, the IRS owner on the account entered will be shown automatically in the account list, if this box is marked.

Next Day Mode: Field shows as checked if the user logged on with an effective date in the future.

Always Show Logon Information Dialog: If this field is checked, the Logon Information prompt to always be shown. This prompt allows a cash drawer amount to be entered, if other than zero, and to mark for Next Day Processing as needed. It is recommended that when tellers are regularly signing-on under a Next Day Processing on the teller sign-on environment, that this box be marked; otherwise, it is recommended that the setting remain unchecked. Transaction condition #52, Teller Signing on With a Future Date, must be allowed.

Skip File Backup Date Message: Check this box if you want to prevent this message from displaying when tellers sign on: "Bad Date  Getting the Last Backup Date." This message displays when someone signs on to GOLDTeller or clicks <Back Up Data Files> on the Teller System > Administrative > File Functions screen.

Monetary Limits:

oOffline: Teller monetary limits while in offline mode.

oHost Online: Teller monetary limits while communicating with the host (online). The T, S, or O next to these amounts is the override level required for the limits.


<Update Host Limits for All Opers> Click this button to update the host limits for all operators who are using this opers.dat file.


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