Navigation:  Setup > Security System > Security Reports Screen > Employee/Profile Listing tab >

Sort By

Navigation:  Setup > Security System > Security Reports Screen > Employee/Profile Listing tab >

Sort By

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Select from the drop-down list to sort the report by that field. The options are defined below.


All sorts will be ordered first by the selection and then by full name. Regardless of sort order, the report will show the number, type, name, full name, status, CIM GOLD profile, System profile, timeout, and password expiration for each employee listed.

Sort Options

CIM GOLD Profile: All the employees in the list will be ordered by CIM GOLD Profile and then by full name.


Full Name: All the employees in the list will be ordered by the employee full name and/or System Profile Description.


System Profile: All the employees in the list will be ordered by the shared System Profile Name. Blanks (which mean not sharing a System Profile Name) sort to the top, followed by those employees sharing a System Profile Name.


Number: All the employees in the list will be ordered by Employee/System Profile Name.


Password Expiration: All the employees in the list will be ordered by Password Expiration days, from least to greatest.


Status: All the employees in the list will be ordered alphabetically by Status first and then by Full Name and/or Profile Description.


Timeout: All the employees in the list will be ordered by Timeout values, from least to greatest.


Type: All the items in the list will be ordered by employee or profile type, with employees first.


User/Profile Name: All the employees in the list will be ordered by the employees' user names and then by full name.


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