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Customer Designer list view
This list view displays the points and parameters assigned to the customer for various grading categories. You can change the entries in this list. See the explanations below for each column.
After you finish making changes, click the <Re-Grade> button to regrade your customers using the new information you enter.
Grading Description
A grading description is a category you can use to rank customer profitability. For example, you can grade customers by Personal Deposit Balance, Time With Bank in Months, and so on. You can add or delete categories.
To add a new grading description:
1.Click the arrow on the Add drop-down list at the bottom of the screen, then select the category you want to add. See the example below.
2.When you select a new category, a dialog box displays that requires you to enter information specific to that category. See the example below.
3.In the dialog box, mark the True/False box that is applicable for your points.
4.Enter dollar ranges for balance options you want to use.
5.Enter rate ranges for rate options you want to use.
6.Enter the number list for product codes, loan types, etc.
7.Click <OK> to add the data to your grading list.
To delete a grading description:
Warning: Delete with caution. When you click <Delete>, the selected item is immediately deleted. No confirmation dialog appears.
1.In the list view, select the row you want to delete.
2.Click <Delete>.
This column contains information about the Grading Description, such as a dollar range for a deposit balance or a time span for the time the customer has been with your bank.
To change the information in this column:
1.Select the row you want to change, then click <Edit>.
2.Enter the required information in the dialog box, then click <OK>.
This column displays the number of points assigned to the customer for the Grading Description in each row.
To change a value in the Points column:
1.Click on the Grading Description to select that row.
2.Double-click in the Points cell you want to change.
3.Enter a new value, then press the <Enter> key on your keyboard.