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Customer Search Screen

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Customer Search Screen

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Search Types


The information you should enter in the Search text box varies depending on the search type, as explained below.


Search by Account. Enter a valid account number in the Search text box. Enter the office number followed by a space and then the account number (example: 01 1233445).

You don't need to enter the check digit. If you do enter it, enter a space before it (example: 01 1233445 02). Leading zeros can be omitted if there is a space between the branch and account number. For example, to search for account number 01 000210 5, you can enter "1 210." If you want to enter the full account number without spaces, you must add enough leading zeros in the Search field to match the longest deposit or loan account lengths as defined in your institution options (ADGT, Number of Digits in Deposit Account Number; LANB, Number of Digits in Loan Account Number). For example, if your deposit account number length is seven and your loan account number length is six, you must add an extra zero to search for loan accounts.


If your institution uses an Account Identifier, which is a node setting on your institution, you can search for this identifier using the Account field. Alpha characters are allowed in the field. The identifier is not used for access on CIM GOLD screens. When searching for an account number that is tied to an Account Identifier, it will display in parentheses next to the account number in the search results. You navigate in CIM GOLD with the account number.


Search by Affiliation. Affiliations are for customers who have several loan or deposit accounts at your bank under different names. The affiliation entity can be used to group these accounts together. The affiliation name is designated by your institution, can be up to 50 characters long, and should describe the total affiliation a customer has with your bank. For more information, see the help on the CIS > Affiliation screen.


Search by Alternate Cust ID Number. This option may not be on your institution's drop-down list, or it may have a different label. The label is determined by what your institution enters in institution option AITX. With the change to IRS Form 1042-S, a new requirement was introduced that each customer must be assigned a unique identifier that cannot be the tax ID number. If option AITX is left blank, this field will not show on the screens. If option AITX is not blank, the CIS search and entity maintenance screens will include the alternate customer number field, and this option will show on this Search by drop-down list.


Search by Bank Card. To search for a bank card, enter at least the first digit of the number or part of the card token (see "Search by Card Token" below). 




Double-clicking on a bank card entity in the list view takes you to the Bank Card screen. You cannot make any changes on this screen when you navigate from the Customer Search screen. For more information, see the help on the CIS > Entity Maintenance - Bank Card screen.Entity Maintenance - Bank Card screen.


On all screens and reports that display card numbers, card numbers are masked in compliance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards. For more information, see PCI Compliance.


Search by Card Token. You can also search for card entities using card tokens. The token is presented on various reports and is sometimes the only number you have to locate a card. On every Search and Entity Maintenance screen where you can look up cards, you can enter at least the first six digits of the token to find a card. You can also still search by the last four digits of the card.


The card token shows on the Customer Search and Entity Maintenance screens. The token also shows on the bottom-right corner of Card Entity screen for informational purposes and is not tied to any security setting.  




The card Token field will only be present after you have changed something on the card.


Search by Bankruptcy. Enter the bankruptcy case number in the Search field to perform this search. For more information on searching for a bankruptcy, see the help for the Bankruptcy Transaction screen.


Search by Customer Number. Enter a Social Security number, employee identification number, or customer identification number. One of these three numbers must be attached to a person to locate them using this search. You must enter at least one digit of the number in the field; these numbers are compared to the first digits of the customer number. You can find the Customer Number on the CIS > Entity Maintenance - Person screen, Person tab.


Search by Institution Info. Click <Search by Institution Info> to display the name of the institution. No information needs to be entered in the Search field to perform this search.


Click on the "Institution Info" line in the Search Results list view to display the institution address and telephone numbers for IRS forms for deposit accounts, loan accounts, and A/P forms. In addition, the institution's loan address, which is displayed on the Reserve Analysis form for private mortgage insurance, is pulled from here. 


Your institution needs to set up the following:

an address and a telephone number for your deposit department's IRS forms and for your loan department's IRS forms;

an address for the PMI Reserve Analysis form. 




The loan IRS Phone number is also used on the Initial ARM Notice (FPSRP314).


Search by Location. To search for a location, enter at least the first character or number in this field. CIM GOLD reads the search from left to right. For example, 155 Beach St. can be found by searching for "155" but not "beach." 


Search by Mailing Label. To search for a mailing label, enter at least the first character or number of the name or address. CIM GOLD reads the search from left to right. For example, 155 Beach St. can be found by searching for "155" but not "beach." 


Search by Name. Name searches search for the names of people, organizations, trusts, and special text.

To search for a person's name, enter the beginning letters of the last name.

To search for the name of an organization, enter at least the first letter of the name of the organization.

To search for a trust, enter at least the first letter of the name associated with the trust.

To search for special text, enter at least the first letter of the special text.




If you do not have security to see CIS names marked as an employee (PNBEMP = Y) or officer (PNBOFR = Y), you cannot view entities that are linked to employee or officer names selected in the search results view. An error message "You do not have security to view Officer information" or "You do not have security to view Employee information" will appear depending on the setting on the name. The following security option must be set on the System tab of the Security > Setup screen (under FPS PC Applications) to view employee or officer account information: CIS Access To Emp/Offcr Name (security bit 02).


Search by Phone. To search for a phone number, enter at least the first digit of the number after the area code.


Search by Phonetic Name. Phonetic name searches can be used when you are unsure how a name is spelled. Enter at least one character according to how you think the name is spelled. For example, if you type "craft," the results will show "Craft," "Kraft," "Croft," "Grove," and others that may sound similar.


Search by Safe Deposit Box. Enter a valid safe deposit box number in this field. Enter the office number followed by a space and then the box number. Leading zeros can be omitted if there is a space between the branch and account number. For example, to search for account number 01 000210 5, you can enter "1 210."


Search by Stock Certificate. Enter all or part of the stock certificate number you are looking for. If you double-click the stock certificate number in the list view, the CIS > Stock Tracking > Certificates screen opens with that stock certificate displayed.


Search by UCC Number. To search for Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) entities within CIS, enter all or part of the UCC number you are looking for. Double-click the UCC number in the list view, and the Loans > UCC screen opens with that UCC number displayed.


Search by Web Security. To search for Web user information, enter a valid Social Security number for a person. If the owner has a Web logon, you can view some of the Web credentials, and you can double-click on that information to view the User Profile screen. (Organizations do not show this information.)



Wildcard Searches


With a few exceptions (explained below), you can perform wildcard searches by entering an asterisk (*) for any data that can vary in the results. The wildcard search is available anywhere a search is used in CIS. This function searches both the first and second address lines in CIS, unlike a regular search that only searches the first address line.




The following table shows what you could enter to find the results you want using wildcard searches.


What you enter

Search by

Results found

asterisk before and after search data

Example: *Sunflower*

Location or Mailing Label

1144 E. Sunflower Dr.

3333 W. Sunflower Ave.

one asterisk before the data

Example: *750

Location or Mailing Label

P.O. Box 750

3333 W. Sunflower Ave., Santa Ana, CA 92750

one asterisk after the data

Example: 50123*

Account Number

all accounts in all branches where the account number without the office begins with 50123

Examples: 01 50123234, 03 50123890, etc.





Certain types of searches operate differently from the rest. These exceptions are explained below.


Search by Account: A regular account number search must be an exact match for both office and account number. However, in a wildcard search, only the account portion of the account number is matched. You cannot match the office number when using a wildcard search.


Search by Institution Info: This search returns all CIS entities that belong to the bank itself. The search text, whether it includes wildcard characters or not, has no effect on this search.


Search by Phone: A phone number is searched differently depending on the number of digits you enter. It matches on the prefix and main number first and then on the area code. For example, for the phone number 801-373-8518, if you enter 3738518 you will find it. If you enter "83738518" you won’t, because it will then be looking for area code 8. If you match a sequence of digits anywhere in the phone number (for example, *503*), the match is always done in area code, prefix, and number order. This example will match area code 503 numbers, but it would also match the phone number 405-038-1234.


Search by Phonetic Name:  Wildcard characters have no effect on this search. This search returns all names that sound like what you type. For example, the search for "craft" returns names that start with "Craft," "Kraft," "Croft," "Grove," and others that may sound similar.


Search by Safe Deposit Box: Safe deposit boxes function like account numbers in that you must have an exact match by both office and box number in a regular search. However, by using the match at the end or match in the middle (*2 or *2*), you can use the wildcard to display all boxes that contain the specific digits.


By Web Security: Wildcards have no effect on this search. This search must have an exact match on a customer number.


Email Address: You cannot search by email address; it is a sub-record of a Person, Organization, or Trust entity. When you search for a Person, Organization, or Trust, it will display the Primary email in the Related Entities list view. You can maintain an email address in the Person, Organization, or Trust entity.



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