Navigation: How to Manage Customer Information > Change Names and Addresses Screens > Names and Address Relationships Screen >
Each entity in the Relationship To Change tree has a checkbox displayed to the left of the entity description. These checkboxes are used to select what entities enter into actions to take. When you first check a box, all checkboxes for entities of types other than the type you checked are hidden. For example, if you check a person, only other persons will still display checkboxes. When you uncheck all checked boxes, all entities will display checkboxes again. To use entities as objects of actions to take, check their checkboxes by clicking in the checkbox.
The tree also has a selected entity. To select an entity click on the entity description (not on its checkbox) and the selected entity will be displayed with a blue background. The background will be gray for the selected entity if you have clicked on another part of the screen, such as the Action Entity tree. The selected entity is used in merging and splitting mailing labels. Refer to later topics for use of the selected entity of the tree.
Right-clicking an entity in the Relationship To Change tree brings up a menu with the following options:
•View as Primary Entity – Clicking on this will make the selected entity become the new primary entity for the Relationship To Change tree, displaying its children.
•View as Action Entity – Clicking on this will make the selected entity become the action entity and display its relationships in the Action Entity tree.
•Edit Entity – Clicking this menu item will make the selected entity the action entity and will then attempt to edit the entity. Because only persons, organizations, trusts, special texts, locations, phones, mailing labels, and stock certificates can be changed from this screen, these entities will open the appropriate maintenance screen. Other entities that cannot be edited from this screen, such as safe deposit boxes, will still become the action entity but no maintenance screen will open for them.
•Delete Relationship – Clicking this will cause the entity to be deleted from its parent entity. This function is one of the functions that is not immediately saved to the host. Instead the link is displayed in the tree in red with “(Removing)” added to the end of the description. Until you Save Changes you can undo this action by clicking Restore Original Tree. Some links are not allowed to be deleted. If you try to delete one of these, a message will be displayed, telling you why this delete function is not valid.
•Copy Mailing Label Info into Clipboard – Clicking this will copy mailing label information here to a clipboard so you can use it for another document.
•Print the Tree – Clicking this will print the Relationship To Print tree to the printer you select. If you have made changes to the tree that have not been saved, the title on the print out will include “(Altered)." It will print with the same colors that are displayed on the screen. For black and white printers, the colors will appear as shades of gray.