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VitalView GOLD

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VitalView GOLD

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Printer-friendly User's Guide


VitalView GOLD® is a collection of data, processes, and presentation tools that you can use to gather summary information and present it for analytical and trend analyses and decision-making purposes. It includes the ability to create and summarize data on a daily basis for a variety of purposes, and provides the ability to display this gathered information in a dashboard application, as data mapped to a spreadsheet application, and as fixed formatted reports.


It allows you to analyze all activities, accounts, and loans within the bank. You can look at reports from multiple perspectives, allowing you to discover trends or areas that may need more attention. You can drill down through the layers of data to find the information underlying the report findings.


The following three screens comprise VitalView GOLD:


VitalView Dashboard
VitalView GOLD Setup
VitalView Spreadsheet Integration



Next topic: Definitions


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