Navigation: Process Exception Items >
Exceptions list view
Entry: System, list view
F/M: No
Mnemonic: N/A
The Exceptions list view at the top of the Process Exception Items screen displays all exception items that have been downloaded from a selected date. The columns that are displayed on this list view depend on two factors:
1.If the Show All Columns box on this screen is selected, then all possible columns will be displayed.
2.If the Show All Columns box is not selected, the columns displayed here are dependent on what is set up on the GOLD Services > GOLD ExceptionManager > Administrative > Setup > Users screen.
Single-clicking an exception item causes the Exception Details area to be displayed with details concerning that exception item. If the Hide Data box is checked, you cannot view the details of the exception item.
Double-clicking an exception item causes the Change Exception Information dialog box to be displayed.
Right-clicking on the list view brings up a menu that allows you to easily access the following features:
Function |
Description |
Posting |
This menu item allows you to quickly perform actions and corrections concerning selected exception items. |
Refresh Selected Exceptions |
If you select this menu item, the system will refresh any selected exception items. Refreshing causes the host computer to bring up any changes made to exception items by employees using GEM on their computers. Refreshing allows you to get the most up-to-date information. |
Show Status Information |
Selecting this menu item brings up a Status Information box. This box displays information concerning the exception item, such as whether or not any action has been taken on the item, whether the exception item has been posted or whether it is an overdraft item (see the following example). If more than one exception item is selected in the list view, only information for the top item selected will be displayed.
View Image |
This function is only enabled if your institution uses FPS GOLD to store your images. (Institution option NIMG must be "Y.") We also have the ability to allow you to view images using Harland products. (Institution option HFCI must be "Y.") |
Change Data |
When you select this function from the right-click menu or double-click on an exception item, the Change Exception Information dialog box is displayed. This dialog box displays detail information concerning the exception item. You can make changes to a few of the fields, if applicable, such as a new override reason, a new descriptor, a new comment, or a new exception reason. When you click <OK> that information will be saved with the exception item and posted accordingly when you take action on the item. See also: Change Exception Information. |
Notification of Change |
Selecting this function brings up the Notification of Change Details screen with the selected exception item's information displayed. You can enter any corrected information for this exception item and send it to the Federal Reserve. For more information, see Notification of Change. |
Delete Return |
For any returns created and not sent, you can delete the return by right-clicking on it in the list view and selecting "Delete Return." This function is not available if the return has already been sent. |
Goto General Information |
Selecting this function will take you to the CIS > General Information screen for the account selected in the list view. This screen displays general information of the account owner, such as accounts opened at your institution. Click the green arrow icon |
Restore Default Splitter Position |
Select this option if you want to return the splitter bar to its original position, which is in the middle of the screen. The splitter bar divides the Process Exception Items screen between the list view and the Exception Details, as shown below. You can click and drag this bar up or down to increase or decrease the list view.
Printing (Current Size) |
This printing option is similar to the printing option below, except the list view is printed the way it currently looks on the screen. In other words, if you decrease or increase the size of the columns (by clicking and dragging), the print results are reflected similarly. If the other printing option is used (see below), the list view is printed with each column as wide as the data, many times causing the printed document to be viewed across multiple pages. |
Edit |
Selecting this option allows you to copy the highlighted information in the list view to your Windows® clipboard. To highlight more than one record in the list view, choose Edit, then Select All. After you have copied the highlighted information from the list view using the Edit pop-up function, you can then paste that information into Notepad or any other word processing program.
Note: The formatting will look better if you use the Export function instead. |
Printing |
Select this option to print the information in the list view to a designated printer. You can preview the information before printing it and make any needed adjustments to the printer settings or page setup. |
Export |
Select this option if you would like to export the information in the list view to either a tab-delimited format or to FPS GOLD's Report Manager program. If you export to a tab-delimited format, you can open the information into a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft® Excel®. |
Auto Resize |
This function is used to resize the columns and rows in the grid to fit the data contained therein. |
Find |
The Find function allows you to search for any word, phrase, or amount in the list view. This is a helpful tool to find the exact information you are looking for.
When you select this option, the Find dialog appears. Enter the information in the top field and click <Find>. All matching information will be displayed in the list view below the search field. Double-click any of the results and you will be returned to the list view with the item you selected highlighted. |